Hello and welcome

Ask Aspie is a place where parents of kids with Asperger Syndrome can ask questions of adults with the condition. That's it.

I have a son with Asperger's and, while I'm delighted to say he gets lots of support at school, I have lots of questions only someone like him could answer.

I have spoken to one or two adults with Asperger's who said they'd be happy to answer questions and share their experiences, but I'd love to hear from more.

Obviously every person is different - Asperger's or not - and there are no right answers or absolutes, but having a look from someone else's learning curve is always helpful.

So if you are interested - as a parent with a question or an adult on the autistic spectrum who would like to help - please let me know.

My email address is ellenarnison@hotmail.com.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Are you an adult with Asperger Syndrome?

Pic: Ed Isaacs via Dreamstime.com
If so, you might be able to help with my project. Would you mind answering the occasional question posed by parents of children with Asperger Syndrome?

My 12-year-old son is an Aspie. We are very lucky, he gets lots of support at school and is very happy as far as I can tell. However, I'm often wondering how I should be doing things and what we can do to help him, both now and in the future. 

I would love to be able to ask grown-ups with the condition what they did and about how things were for them. So, I came up with the idea for Ask Aspie. 

One or two adults with AS have agreed to help, but I'd love to have some more people who could spare a moment or two to answer a question. 

Here's how it will work. Parents will contact me with their questions. I will then pass them on to helpful AS adults who will give their opinions. Then, I will collate the answers and post them here. 

So, can you help?


My email address is ellenarnison@hotmail.com or leave a comment. I'm also on Twitter @Ellen27. I also have another blog called In A Bundance

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